The Deep Connection Between Nine Months of Pregnancy, Navagrahas, and Navratri

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The Navagrahas (nine planets) and the nine months of a mother’s pregnancy are deeply connected to the Navratri festival.

What is Navratri?

Navratri is a festival symbolizing the first nine days before the change of seasons. There are four main Navratris in a year, two of which are secret and meant for spiritual seekers, while the other two are observed by householders.

Connection Between Navagrahas and Nine Months

Navratri and the Navagrahas are also related to the nine months of a baby’s development in the mother’s womb. Just as a child develops gradually in the womb, during Navratri, the internal purification of the body takes place in three stages – the first three days are associated with Tamas (inertia), the next three with Rajas (activity), and the last three with Sattva (purity). Devotees observe fasting, chanting, and meditation during Navratri to worship the energy within themselves and balance the effects of the nine planets.

Relationship with the Seven Chakras of the Body

Navratri is not only related to the planets but also to the seven main chakras in the human body. Each day, a different form of the Goddess is associated with a specific energy chakra:

  1. Muladhara Chakra – Shailputri
    Transforms laziness into energetic enthusiasm.
  2. Swadhisthana Chakra – Brahmacharini
    Destroys sensual thoughts and enhances creativity.
  3. Manipura Chakra – Chandraghanta
    Removes envy and fosters generosity.
    (Saying: “If someone else is succeeding, why is it bothering you?”)
  4. Heart Chakra – Kushmanda
    Dispels fear and increases love.
    (When afraid, your hand instinctively moves to your chest.)
  5. Vishuddha Chakra – Skandamata
    Represents purity and truth in communication.
  6. Ajna Chakra – Katyayani, Mahagauri, and Kalaratri
    Destroys anger and enhances awareness.
    (When angry, your eyebrows furrow, and when recalling something, your finger often touches your forehead.)
  7. Sahasrara Chakra – Siddhidatri
    Represents the place of ultimate bliss and peace.

The goal of all devotees is to elevate their body’s energy from the Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra through fasting, meditation, and chanting. The Durga Saptashati’s “Devi Kavach” (armor of the Goddess) is also intended to focus on every part of the body, as each body part is associated with a particular form of the Goddess.

The Abode of the Goddess in the Mountains

Rishis (sages) created the tradition of visiting the mountains during Navratri to see the Goddess. This was to ensure that the physical exercise of climbing up and down the mountains would allow the body to sweat out toxins from the previous season, thus improving the immune system to stay healthy in the coming season.

Importance of Kanya Pujan

Feeding young girls during Navratri is considered significant because devotees, after cleansing themselves of all impurities, offer food to those girls who have never experienced lust, anger, greed, or ego. These girls, aged up to nine years, are fed as a mark of respect for their pure and innocent nature.

The Connection Between Navratri and a Daughter’s Life

Rishis and sages linked the Navratri festival with the nine forms of the Goddess through stories. This festival holds special significance for those who have daughters. A daughter’s life is deeply connected to the nine forms of the Goddess. Let’s explore the connection between the nine forms of the Goddess and a daughter’s life:

  1. Shailputri – The first form of a daughter. When a daughter is born, she is considered to be Shailputri. During this stage, the daughter is nurtured by her parents.
  2. Brahmacharini – The second form of a daughter. This stage symbolizes the transition of a daughter from childhood to adolescence.
  3. Chandraghanta – The daughter becomes marriageable and assumes this form after marriage.
  4. Kushmanda – After entering married life, the daughter spreads love and light with her family.
  5. Skandamata – When the daughter becomes a mother herself, she is worshipped as Skandamata.
  6. Katyayani – The daughter protects her family and helps remove negativity.
  7. Kalaratri – She destroys difficulties and negative forces.
  8. Mahagauri – Represents purity and renunciation in the final stage of life.
  9. Siddhidatri – Ultimately symbolizes the attainment of liberation.


Today’s generation demands logic, and the wisdom of our sages was always rooted in reason. The Navratri festival is not only for spiritual advancement but also promotes physical well-being.

Krishna Mishra

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