I would like to share my experiences with guruji
I have lower back problem ear pain and cyst problem from long time my doctor giving me treatment but I am not getting any result even they can’t find problem in my back and worst case is I am not able to walk bucz pain is in my knee also after 2 month I meet my friend she told me about guru ji I call him same time regarding my problem , he is very nice person he understand my pain and problem same time he gave me healing I feels less pain than I went mumbai for my treatment every morning and evening guruji giving me healing after that doctor recognize my problem and day by day my pain is less and also after ultrasound doctor told me now u have less cyst I was surprised bucz of guruji healing and prayer thank u so so so much guruji for everything because he is the person giving us time even he don’t know us I am thankful to loard shiv he send him to heal the people suffering from pain and illness I am grateful to guruji for blessing me 🙏🙏