Miracles by the blessings of Guruji…….
I have written here before that we, i.e.me and my wife, first time contacted Krishna Guruji a.k.a Shri Krishna Kant Mishra for healing in mid June 2017, when Destiny (Almighty) has put us through his test and by God’s wish a great personal tragedy had befallen us. After Guruji’s healing we got some solaces from unbearable mental stress and guilt feeling. However, little did we know the testing time, which has started from end December 2016, will extend and teach us lessons about life and God’s wish.
Guruji most aptly and repeatedly says that when something , which we want happens is result of God’s blessings, and, when something happens which we do not want is result of God’s wish. But his blessings and wish both are outcome of his wish only. Whatever, God does, does it for our good.
Testing time continued…. I have never called Guruji about my worries/stress. Only every morning mentally we send our worries and stresses to him with messages “Pranam Guruji”.
Strangely and repeatedly I have noticed that whenever I am having some tough test given by Almighty I shall receive call from Guruji with simple question “Beta Kaisa hai tu (Translation: Son how are you?, The word beta is used as a loving form of salutation in India by caring elders, Father & Uncles and Gurus). I had always told him by his blessings we are fine and strangely strength used to come me to face the odds.
However, things started getting tougher day by day, and I was on the brink before taking the plunge. On 25th July 2022 Guruji called me and since I was at the end of my endurance I replied to his usual question “Beta Kaisa hai tu” with detail about the test. For few second he kept quiet and then asked me few questions and disconnected the phone. Within 10 minutes, he called me and said by 30th September 2022 things will change for better.
Trusting that Guruji has shouldered my worries, I became calm and composed and continued my daily routine. From 12th August itself Guruji started calling me and asking if I am seeing some change. I had no definitive answer to give then.
Around 14th or 15th September, I got an unconfirmed news that some changes are on the way. It came from someone who was mercifully acting as channel of God to change the situation. In between news snippets were there but nothing concrete. Around 29th September I got almost confirmed news with some added conditions. Then on 18th October I heard that there might be some delay. Hope sunk but not my trust. Finally, I got news on 18th November that situation is finally changing. Informed Guruji but it appears that he was not satisfied about the delay.
Later on 2nd December I got some proof that the situation had changed on 18th October and probably the discussion had started from 12th August itself.
Why did I write this? Surely Guruji was getting vibes (or how do you call it I do not know) about changes happening and was so caring towards his disciple that he wanted to know what is happening in physical World.
The change happened – Let us say, I was in ecosystem A which was filled with stress and mental agony to ecosystem B which is happier and joyous but inferior to ecosystem A. Guruji perhaps understood my dilemma and told me on 18th November that beta aandar ki khusi aanmol hai, tu chinta na kar (Son, inner happiness is precious than outward glitz, do not worry).
What to say as moral of this:
– His blessings made some divine intervention, which has enabled/ channeled news to someone with pure heart to turn the whole tide for my benefit, or
– trust does not need proof or window shopping, or
– complete surrender to Guru and Divine with trust that everything that happen, happen for good creates the powerful channel ….or , or , or…… ???

I simply do not know. Pranam to Guruji and all readers.