You received a message from Krishna guruji

gopi krishna (Email: wrote:

I was sifferi.g accute throat pain and woofing cpugh since last 1 week. took all the medecines. to day nephew who resides at US has told me about Guruji and asked me to call his highness for my ill health. I called guruji and blessed with his healing. it is a moracle. immediately after the healing I felt that my throat has become free and some one took ot the pain. I never experience such a healing miracle. also my daughter is suffering from chocken pox. I also told guruji andhe perfprmed healing to her also. today she is completely nkrma. very rare and a moraculus experience. thanks to God for creating such persons like guruji for the welfare of the world. thaks to guruji. let us all be blessed with such persons. gopi krishna. vadodara