Mahakumbh 2025: How Planetary Movements Made Monalisa Go Viral?
The Mahakumbh began in Prayagraj with the arrival of Makar Sankranti, and within days, a simple girl named Monalisa, who had come to sell Rudraksha garlands, went viral on social media. She hails from Maheshwar in Indore and belongs to a marginalized community. But what made her so famous? Let’s analyze this event through the […]
Divine Pet Healing: A Revolutionary Concept for Your Beloved Pets

In today’s world, pets have become an integral part of our lives, often treated with the same care, love, and attention we give to our own children. This emotional connection has led to a growing concern about their health and lifespan. Understanding the deep bond between humans and their pets, internationally renowned Divine Astro Healer, […]
What is Divine Vastu Healing and How Does It Work?

The founder of Divine Astro Healing, Krishna Guruji, introduced Divine Vastu Healing. This unique method allows individuals to correct the Vastu dosh (Vastu defects) in their homes by using their own vital energy, without any need for demolition or heavy expenses. This simple and spiritual process is based on the balance of the five elements. […]
Energize Your Home and Self This Diwali with Simple Cleaning Tips by Shri Krishna Guruji

As Diwali 2024 approaches, it’s time to revitalize your home and spirit by following the age-old tradition of deep cleaning. Cleaning before Diwali is considered essential to remove negative energies and welcome prosperity, peace, and health into our homes. Shri Krishna Guruji offers practical and spiritual cleaning tips to help prepare your home for the […]
Burning Your Own Ravana with Your Inner Ram #Vijayadashami #Ravana #SelfReflection #Dussehra2024

The ancient tradition of Vijayadashami is celebrated to symbolize the victory of good over evil. However, according to the scriptures, Ravana’s body was never cremated, which is why burning an effigy of Ravana has become a key part of the tradition. But in today’s age, Ravana Dahan has become merely a spectacle. Parents take their […]
स्वयं के राम से स्वयं के रावण का दहन #Dussehra #SelfReflection #Ravana #Vijayadashami2024

विजयादशमी, जिसे दशहरा भी कहा जाता है, बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का पर्व है। यह पर्व रावण के पुतले के दहन के रूप में मनाया जाता है, जो प्रतीक है रावण के अहंकार और बुराई का अंत करने का। लेकिन क्या रावण वास्तव में केवल बुराई का प्रतीक था, या उसमें कुछ अच्छाइयाँ भी […]
The Deep Connection Between Nine Months of Pregnancy, Navagrahas, and Navratri

The Navagrahas (nine planets) and the nine months of a mother’s pregnancy are deeply connected to the Navratri festival. What is Navratri? Navratri is a festival symbolizing the first nine days before the change of seasons. There are four main Navratris in a year, two of which are secret and meant for spiritual seekers, while […]
Krishna Mishra – Navratri 2024

मां के गर्भ के नौ माह और नवग्रह से नवरात्रि पर्व का गहरा संबंधनवग्रहों और मां के गर्भ में बच्चे के नौ महीनों का गहरा संबंध नवरात्रि पर्व से जुड़ा हुआ है।नवरात्रि क्या है? यह पर्व मौसमों के मिलन के पहले नौ दिनों का प्रतीक है, जिसे नवरात्रि कहा जाता है। साल में चार मुख्य […]
Krishna Mishra – Wikipedia

नवरात्री का सीधा संबंध हमारे स्वास्थ से हैदो मौसम के मिलन के प्रथम नो दिन नवरात्रि कहलाते है।नवरात्रि में व्रत रख शरीर की शुद्धिकरण क्रिया नवरात्रि कहलाती है आज के युवा नव रात्रि को कैसे करे”नव रात्रि का हर दिन हमारे रीड की हड्डी से जुड़े चक्रों से संबंध रखता है जिसे हम अलग अलग […]
“Festivities – in new dimension”, explained by Guruji Shri Krishna Kant Mishra – Part I
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