2024 – Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations, 10 ‘Vidhnahartas’ conferred with 2024 ‘Vidnaharta’ awards by Krishna Guruji Welfare Society.

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Under the guidance of Krishna Guruji, the DAH family celebrated the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival with grandeur as always, bringing life to the meaning of the Ganesh Arti which we have been singing for ages, passed on down to us by our parents\forefathers. But seldom have we contemplated how they come to fruition just singing them as Ganesh Bhagwan will not be descending on to Earth to fulfill the prayers. It is people like us who must become Ganapathi Bappa to help solve\support the needy per the lyrics in the song.

Here I would like to bring to limelight the ‘Transformation of Festival’ series conceptualized by Krishna Guruji, he led again by example by visiting 10 different Vignaharta each day signifying the celebration of the 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi Utsav.

Day 1 commenced with Guruji and the local Indore team comprising of Anil Ji, Bharti Ji & Meeta Ji visiting the Kusth(Leper) Ashram – bringing to fruition the Ganesh Arti line – ‘Kodan Ko Kaaya’. They performed the Ganesh staphana there and honored Shri Gangaram ji a leper who has been helping others
Day 2 Guruji and team visited with Shri Balbir Singh ji’s family and honored his wife on his behalf posthumously who lost his life while singing the Indian National Anthem to a gathering on International Day of Yoga
Day 3 – Saw them honoring Anil Raka Ji who has donated blood thus far 106 times and with no expectations at all.
Day 4 – Saw them honoring Sadhana Sharma ji – An animal lover, who has been fending to the street dogs for decades and rescuing them from treacherous territories
Day 5 – Saw them honoring Dr Asha Bakshi ji – A fertility Dr, enabling thousands of women\men with reproductive issues yielding in the women bearing children (Bhaanjan ko putra deth)
Day 6 – Saw the team honoring Nurse Bulbul Panjare – A deaf and dumb nurse fulfilling her role as a nurse overcoming her own deficiencies.
Day 7 – Saw them honoring Ms Rupali Jain ji – Running the organization ‘Bhikshuk Punarnirvasak Kendra – Begger’s rehabilitation center. She is on a mission to get Indore city rid of beggars and rehabilitate them into the mainstream. Her slogan is ‘No Bhiksa only Sisksha’.(Nirdhan ko Maaya)
Day 8 – Saw them honoring Eye Bank owner – Uma Jhawar ji – Operating local Eye Bank (Andhan ko Ankh Deth)
Day 9 – Saw them honoring Chandresh ji – An environmentalist who has planted uncountable plants saplings for decades and is on a mission to keep this ongoing
Day 10 – Saw them honoring Shri Arjun Richariya ji – A news journalist running camps for children from slum to empower them with education.

All of these Vidnaharta’s are silent workers who are not in the limelight but only concerned of their work. Guruji picked them up to showcase them to the public world.
Let us all vow to be the Vidnaharti throughout the year to help some and be that Ganapathy Bappa Morya for someone else where there is a need along with using our awareness.

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